
The Mogensen Ships


These fighters are approximately 15 (Terran scale) meters in length, 25 in width and 6 meters in height at the furthest points. The fighter holds a single pilot and is normally flown with with 5 other fighters. These ships are roughly equivalent to the likes of the Terran or Korhonen fighters.

The fighters have 4 frontal mounted cannons that make it one of the most destructive fighters of any of the major races (minus the organic technology of the Ovaskan or Vaipen). The fighters are also quite maneuverable but is let down by not being as fast as the some of the other races like the Korhonen fighter ships.

The ship also has atmospheric capabilites allowing it to be landed on planets which some other small similar sized and capabilities ships are unable to do. The ships are usually launched from the larger Mogensen Battleships or larger still Motherships and have showed their worth to the Mogensen Protectorate in the many battles they have encountered over the years.

Mogensen Fighter
Mogensen Fighter Shuttles

This shuttle is used only by the emperor and the royal families. Its design has made it legendary amongst the Mogensen. 'Siris', in their culture, is considered the universal symbol of beauty, elegance, and soul. The ultimate expression of this concept lives in the Siris class shuttlecraft. A smooth shape and seductive curves have inspired great love in escort pilots -- many have died defending their honored leaders and graceful ships, not unlike the 'Kamikaze' pilots in Earth history. They enroll in secretive, intense training to learn defense strategy; especially important since Siris class shuttles have no defense capabilities, leaving them very susceptible to sneak attacks. Siris class shuttle
Siris class shuttle Cargo Ships

Much of the Mogensen Protectorate's financial success can be attributed to their gargantuan freighter vessels. This model, just under a kilometer long, carries more goods than all of the Terran cargo ships combined. Its five cargo modules double its capacity. Many races have nicknamed it after the boat that saved their respective 'Avin'. Humans, for example, call it 'Noah's Ark'. Siris class shuttle
Siris class shuttle

See Also: Mogensen Exobiology
Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen